Natural Health Wellness:
Live Recordings
Naturopathy with Bridgitt:
Symptoms and Suggestions to balance your Wellbeing
Disclaimer: if you are feeling like your life is in danger or having difficulty breathing, dial 111 immediately for an ambulance. If you have similar symptoms to corona virus like a sore throat, headaches, dry cough, body aches, please contact your doctor immediately to get tested. The following information does not replace any medical treatment in any shape, way or form. Your health is in your hands. Be responsible.
Bridgitt talks about holistic weight loss for both men and women and by balancing the person on all levels, weight loss will be a natural side effect. How weight gain is not just from eating unhealthy foods, but also hormone imbalance, dehydration, poor liver and kidney function, lack of exercise, poor insulin absorption, and the emotional connection to weight gain.
Bridgitt wants to let you know that she mis-spelt Xeno-oestrogens, definitely not with an "Z" and she has a great knack of combining words, so there is definitely no TS3 it is T3 Thyroid Hormone.
Bridgitt talks about Women's Hormone Imbalances and how this affects your Periods regularity, PMS (pre-menstrual symptoms), absence of, pain, cramps, heavy bleeding and how the adrenals, thyroid, gut and liver all play their part in how a Woman experiences her monthly menstrual cycle.
Bridgitt talks about low zinc, low Testosterone hormone and how that affects Men's Health, both mentally, emotional and physically. Low Testosterone also affects the health of the Prostate gland.
Water, water everywhere! Here Bridgitt talks about the importance of drinking water and the signs of dehydration and how this affects the brain, heart, kidneys, skin and weight loss.
In celebration of Naturopath and Medicine Week in New Zealand, Bridgitt talks about her membership with the Naturopaths and Medical Herbalists of New Zealand (NMHNZ), what is holistic Naturopathy and how you will experience this when you partake in your Naturopath consultation.
Bridgitt talks about her Journey and how Professionalism and Integrity are important to her within her personal life and Natural Health Clinic.
For more information on Naturopathy and to make a booking, click here
Bridgitt talks about Hayfever and Sinusitis, symptoms and suggestions
For more information on Naturopathy and to make a booking, click here
Bridgitt talks about Stress, Adrenal fatigue and how stress is the underlying cause for many health imbalances.
For more information on Naturopathy and to make a booking, click here
Bridgitt talks about skin allergy symptoms of eczema, dermatitis, psoraisis and gives suggestions to balance.
For more information on Naturopathy and to make a booking, click here
Bridgitt talks about how to boost balance your Thyroid symptoms both Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto's and Grave's Disease.
For more information on Naturopathy and to make a booking, click here
Listen to Bridgitt talk about how New Zealand Maori herbal medicine or Rongoa, can be just as effective as western herbal medicine for healing any acute or chronic conditions, to help you achieve the healing needed for fever, coughs, colds and upper respiratory symptoms like bronchitis.
Gifted to us right here in Aoteroa (New Zealand) from Paptuanuku (mother earth) and the Divine Creator (Atua) is Rongoa (Maori herbal medicne). Our Ngahere (New Zealand native bush) is right here on our doorsteps – our very own medicinal herbal dispensary!
Bridgitt talks about her Pepeha (Geneaology), her connection to Te Whanau a Apanui in the Eastern Bay of Plenty and how this whakapapa gives her rights to harvest any NZ Rongoa.
Bridgitt talks about how to boost your immunity naturally with herbal medicine against any virus.
For more information on Naturopathy and to make a booking, click here
Bridgitt talks about how she first learnt Reflexology and the history and it's benefits. As well as Lymphatic Drainage using specific Reflexology techniques to create a deep state of relaxation, reduce stress and pain, relax tight muscles, balance hormones, detox and decrease oedema (swelling).
For more information on Reflexology and to make a booking, click here
Bridgitt's guest appearance on Life Coaching with Gaeil Adams. Here Bridgitt chats to Gaeil about her Natural Health Clinic and the Therapies she provides. Gaeil is also an Intuitive Psychic, Relationship Coach, Tarot Readings and can be contacted on 0274 166545.
For more information on Naturopathy and to make a booking, click here