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What is Naturopathy?

Phone 027-2843781

On-line Acute and Chronic appointments now available.


  • 75 Landing Road, Whakatane, Bay of Plenty

  • 40 Potts Avenue, Opotiki, Bay of Plenty

All pieces of the puzzle need to be addressed - Holistic Naturopathy

I have expertise in long covid, stress and pain relief, herbal medicine, Hormonal Imbalances e.g. reproductive, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, gut health, nutrition, lymphatic drainage and heavy metal/chemical detox.

What is Naturopathy?

I believe there are three main levels to a person’s wellbeing: Spiritual, their personal passion for life, mental/emotional and physical.  When these three levels are in balance with each other, true wellbeing is achieved.  It's about achieving balance in all areas of your life.


I am now on your Team. My goal is to empower you to take control of your own wellbeing by supporting you whilst on your journey.


I can support you with Naturopathic advice on nutrition, vitamins and minerals, herbal medicine, Bach flower essences, body work (Reflexology and Lymphatic Drainage) life style and mind/energy therapies.​

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“Bridgitt The Naturopath and Reflexologist is a true Professional. Has worked closely with Pharmacists, other Naturopaths and Skin Therapists, as well as other Professionals (Doctors) for the good of her clients. My experience as a client has been second to none. A piece of paper (qualifications) comes after hard slog and the rest of your life with hands on experience. Bridgitt is the best in her field.”


Click here for more Naturopathy Testimonials

Free 15 minute Phone Chat: 027 2843781

I offer a brief FREE 15 minute phone chat to discuss how best to achieve your wellbeing goal.​ Offer excludes Acute on-line appointments.

Payment Options

Your investment: Internet Banking, cash or 50% Qoin payment accepted on all Naturopath consultations 60 minutes and over.  Where there's a Will, there's a way. I'm open to chatting.

Consultation Fees

All costs involved with your Wellbeing Plan are exclusive of consultation fees.  All online Zoom or Phone consultations will receive all Wellbeing Plans and further documentation via email.


Payment is now required 24 hours before your appointment. 


Payment is accepted via internet banking - Bank Account details:

Bridgitt McNabb

Account: 06/0645/0534085/00

Reference is your name

Individual Diagnostic Testing available
Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose, Heavy Metal Hair Test, Zinc Testing, Food Allergy, Parasite, Mould, Glycosphate and Hormone Testing (Ask Bridgitt for individual costings)

Blood Test Referrals

Science helps confirm in-clinic diagnosis. If you have not had any recent blood tests within the last 2-3 months, I will give you a written blood test request form to take back to your own doctor as your blood test costs are subsidised. Should you choose to take my written blood test request form to any Blood Laboratory yourself, you will be charged full price for blood tests, as currently Naturopaths are not subsidised by the New Zealand Government.

"I know Bridgitt to be very thorough, extremely knowledgeable, caring.

Bridgitt comes from a Spiritual and Healing focus.  I highly recommend Bridgitt for her high standards and level of ethics".

Gaeil, Hawke's Bay


“Bridgitt was incredible. She took the time to understand all my symptoms and arranged an extensive list of blood tests. Although my tests came up in the normal range, Bridgitt analysed them in depth and looked at the correlations between the results in the different tests. She empowered me with a 16 page report of actionable steps I could take with diet and a few supplements to improve my health.”


Click here for more Naturopathy Testimonials

A frequent question I get asked is "How long do I need to take these supplements or herbal remedy for?" I reply with "how long have you had your current state of imbalance, and how much do you want to make a change?".

I anticipate approximately 1-3 months to see an improvement in your current state of wellbeing.​  Everyone has a choice and is a unique individual with unique symptoms – no two people are exactly the same.​  Your success in achieving your goals will require you to work closely with me and be consistent with any suggestions made in your Wellbeing Plan.

I work holistically and believe that all pieces of the puzzle need to be addressed. Ideally, I would prefer to first met you in person, however, if location or other circumstances prevent this, we can connect through Zoom or Phone.

Imbalances that Naturopathy can help with:

Covid Long Term Symptoms and Recovery.

Women’s Reproductive including Endometriosis, PMS, PCOS, Menopause, Fibroids and Fertility​

Horomonal (Endocrine) Balance including Thyroid, Adrenals and Reproductive

Mental Health including anxiety, depression, stress

Skin ailments including acne, eczema and psoriasis​

Structural such as arthritis, muscle pain and tension

Sleep problems including insomnia


Blood sugar imbalances including Diabetes, Type 1 and 2, Hypoglycae​mia

Immunity including coughs, colds, flu, infections, fevers, cold sores, Glandular Fever, Epstein Barr Virus,

Allergies including Hayfever, Sinusitis, Asthma, Eczema, Dermatitis

Respiratory ailments including asthma, bronchitis, coughs, colds, hay-fever and sinusitis​​

Detoxification from heavy metals, toxins, or an over-indulgence in food, alcohol

Bowel and Digestive ailments including I.B.S, Inflammatory Bowel’s disease, Crohn’s disease, Diverticulitis bloating, reflux, indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea and haemorrhoids

Auto-immunity including Rheumatoid arthritis, Graves disease, Celiac, Pernicious anemia, Multiple Sclerosis, Kawasaki disease, Chronic fatigue syndrome and Fibromyalgia


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For your appointment or to make an enquiry:
Phone 027 284 3781  or

© Maintaining Your Health 2017

Established 2011.

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