Testimonials - Naturopathy
Typical results from actual Naturopathy, Nutrition
Disclaimer: Please note - results are typical and vary from person to person.
I highly recommend Bridgitt. The beauty of going to Bridgitt is that she is extremely knowledgeable and gives very accurate guidance to what herbs or vitamins your body is in need of. I loved the fact everything I needed was easy to find from the local organic shop and actually I FELT so much better instantly. Thank you so much Bridgitt.
I saw Bridgitt because I have a history of thyroid problems which causes a range of symptoms. Doctors within the medical system have been dismissive of my symptoms because my blood test results have been in the normal ranges, but these symptoms were getting in the way of my life. I wasn’t sure if seeing a naturopath would be helpful or not, because I thought I led a very healthy lifestyle already. Bridgitt was incredible. She took the time to understand all my symptoms and got the doctor to order an extensive list of blood tests. Although my tests came up in the normal range, Bridgitt analysed them in depth and looked at the correlations between the results in the different tests. She empowered me with a 16 page Wellbeing Plan report of actionable steps I could take with diet and a few supplements to improve my health. After about 2 months I noticed a noticeable difference in my health. Symptoms that I have had for years, such as fatigue and insomnia have all gone. People are commenting that I look amazing and healthy. It truly has been a lifechanging decision to see her and I recommend everyone take their health in their own hands and work with Bridgitt towards achieving full body wellness.”
Bridgitt is amazing. Not only does she heal you physically, she also heals your Soul. I have been seeing Bridgitt for nearly 5 years, in which time she has been fantastic healer and a great person I now call a friend. I totally recommend her services.
I am very excited to share with you Bridget, that I have just had my first contraceptive free period. Lasted 6 days....with NO PAIN!! I mean none. Like no 'right side' pain nor any what I would call 'usual' period pains. Nothing. My mood has been stabilizing and my skin clearing a wee bit. While I'm still having issues with structure pain and still feeling bit belly swollen, I am not feeling the types of pain I was before. Taking the herbal tonic has truly helped and while I did not like the taste to begin with, I have actually begun too like it a lot!! lol.
Lastly, I saw the surgeon yest. He was a bit reluctant to do the surgery (especially for my new found pain free period i just had) however decided he best look in case of scar tissue post my c sections. He is now doubting weather I have pcos or endo now which is odd given my symptoms and what they saw but it does seem my body is healing a wee bit so yay go me!! Once again thank you so much. It has been a very rare and almost new experience for me in the past week having very little to no stomach pain and little body pain. I am truly blessed to have such an amazing team in my corner. Thank you so much again. Much aroha.
I made a Naturopath appointment with Bridgitt as I was suffering with acne after coming off the contraception pill.
In my industry I sell cosmetics so having adult acne was affecting my self esteem & confidence. I had tried lots of different pills & potions & just wasn't getting any results. I found by seeing Bridgitt every second week & doing reflexology lymphatic drainage in combination with natural health products provided by Bridgitt, finally helped start the clearing process of my skin. This was such a good feeling after 2 years of no break from the acne, i finally felt like my old self. My confidence returned & I found myself happy making eye contact & holding my head high in front of my customers. I would definitely recommend booking an appointment with Bridgitt, she has such a kind & caring manner & I felt very comfortable in her presence. It's the power of the plants & the feet are connected to all parts of the body. A must do for all those needing help like I did.
Hi Bridgitt, Thank you for the most fabulous Reflexology treatment, your hands are magic!! You mentioned about my kidneys and bladder, and I said no, nothing wrong there. Turns out I have an infection in my urinary tract. Taking your suggestion of cranberry now. You are amazing, will absolutely recommend you. xx
Bridgitt McNabb thank you so much for all your nutritional advice about how to boost my immunity and gut health. If it wasn't for you, I would never of known about fermenting foods. Now I am making it! I will have fun in fermenting all sorts of veges now. Look forward to feet day Friday and let the fermenting begin!
A client's response to a negative comment made on facebook
"Are you serious! I see Bridgitt and I am not sick, she has the amazing health and safety protocols. I see her weekly and have done for months and will carry on doing so. She is amazing and has help med me so much on my health journey.
Go find Bridgitt and have a wee chat. She brings good energy and Light. She maintains my wellbeing. Fantastic Reflexologist and on-point Naturopath.
You are an amazing Naturopath Bridgitt. You changed my life for the better with your expertise of all your qualified treatments. Your integrity, caring and professional ability is exceptional! I am ever so grateful.
Bridgitt genuinely cares about her client’s health and well-being. She has a positive outlook on life and is always spreading that positive energy to others. Very sound advice on natural healthcare. Her clinic has been my one-stop-shop for healthcare for many years.
Over the past months I have learnt so much about nutrition as she includes it with reflexology. Thank you for your ongoing support. Love feet days
I know Bridgitt to be very thorough, extremely knowledgeable, caring. Bridgitt comes from a Spiritual and Healing focus. I highly recommend Bridgitt for her high standards and level of ethics.
I have been immensely grateful for the help Bridgitt has given me for the persistent diarrhoea I experienced over a long period of time. After our second consultation, Bridgitt identified the problem. I had been taking conscientiously a highly respected health product for a long period of time and she told me I had overdosed in magnesium and Vitamin C. Whilst these trace elements are necessary, it was disappointing to me to be taking a product which caused such an embarrassing side effect. It was surprising how quickly the problem was eliminated once I stopped taking the product.
Rachel. B
Detox Journey for Heavy Metals with Bridgitt McNabb. I think my detox journey with you started about 6-7 years ago [correct me if I ‘am wrong] and a fruitful one it was! Our journey began after me receiving a taster Reflexology treatment and you picking up my kidneys were out of balance. If I ‘am recollecting alright it started with getting a Hair Test which showed the extreme levels of heavy metals in my body. My detox began and in between those analysis reports a lot of others have been done regularly bi-annually to check the results of the chosen fully natural protocols and adjust those where necessary. Many hair tests to monitor our progress with Bridgitt explaining the comprehensive Hair Ananlysis Report and adjusting my Wellbeing Plan accordingly.
Thanks to the knowledgeable help of Bridgitt we have come to these amazing results of heavy metals lowered immensely as she applied Lymphatics treatment as well. as this system is crucial to proper detox of the body in combination with an optimal functioning liver, stomach, kidneys and bowels [which you have to work on as well].
I recommend Bridgitt’s services to any one at any time above our ’´Allopathic Industry “ as she is a totally committed Naturopath.
Best regards, Nick
I was having trouble with hormone imbalance and irregular periods of every week or two if I was lucky (on going for 7 months). I also wanted to clean up my eating habits and had no idea Bridgitt as a Naturopath was a trained Nutritionist as well!
My first visit out of the 3 was just magical! I learnt things that I will carry with me for life and now know that a lot of physical problems that where happening to my body have deeper meanings. It gave me such a better understanding of myself and how the body works. We went through the natural vitamins/herbs and also how to get that goodness I needed from the different food groups, that would help me to balance my life out again.
After just 1 month my periods went back to normal and in the process have been blessed with not having my period for the next 9 months (We are pregnant!!). Bridgitt put in so much time to help me sort out the lows in my nutrition, she listened to every word I said and really cares about you and your health! She has been a blessing for me and I am so greatful I came across her! Every time I went back she had written out a new plan of nutrition and vitamins ready to go, she is so organised. I really love how much she cared and took her time to really listen, she is full of so much information and explains it in a way that you can understand!
I met Bridgitt when she came to do a talk about Reflexology for a community group. I knew nothing about reflexology and had a lot of questions which Bridgitt was able to answer every time. She came across as a sensible, very warm character and immediately instilled confidence in her skills as a healer. I had numerous aches and pains from past injuries plus menopause and an autoimmune condition. Bridgitt was so passionate about the benefits of reflexology that I decided to give it a go. She took a history of my body problems, but some were so longstanding I had come to accept them in my life and forgot to mention them. Yet, when she was performing the technique, there would be a sudden very tight or sore bit: when she explained which part of the body it related to I would remember an injury to that part, e.g., I damaged my sacral iliac joint in a car accident which still causes me problems, but I had forgotten to mention it as it had been part of me for so long. Other interesting things were tingling or even twitching or spasms in the part of the body the reflexes related to as the tightness released. From the first session I have felt better. I also have been taking a herbal remedy she mixes up to assist with another health issue and feel a lot better in that regard also. I don't know if it is a coincidence, but after the first session I made some huge changes in my life that had been a long time coming, but until then I hadn't had the strength or belief to make them. I thoroughly recommend Bridgitt, her skills are superb.