Create Herbal Medicine Tinctures
Kei te hangaia he rongoā rākau

Herbal Medicine Tincture (rongoā rākau) Workshops using both Maori and Western
Herbal Medicine
for the health and wellbeing of Whanau, Family and Friends

Course Fee = $150.00 NZD

Monday 30 October 2023
Location: Elevated Zen, 327 Taneatua Road, Whakatane
9.30am to 2.00pm. Whakatane, Bay of Plenty

Monday 18 November 2023
Location: To be advised, Opotiki
9.30am to 2.00pm. Opotiki, Bay of Plenty
I really enjoyed the workshop, thank you Bridgitt. Length of time to learn was perfect, great content, not too long, easy to absorb and was a good mix of sitting, listening and practical. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Excited to delve into it at home.

Bridgitt McNabb, Naturopath and Medical Herbalist
Maintaining Your Health (Whakatikatika Oranga)

Kia ora and a warm welcome to future students of Herbal Medicine (Rongoā rākau). Could this be your year to learn a new skill?
Do you wish to provide natural health care without side effects?
Do you wish to become confident in naturally treating your family and friends?
This workshop is for all folk, from all walks of Life, that all have that similar interest, curiosity, knowing, are drawn to natural healthcare, herbal medicine rongoā rākau as their first medicine they reach for to treat and heal only their whanau and family and friends?
This is your invitation to learn from Professional Naturopath and Medical Herbalist, Bridgitt McNabb, at Maintaining Your Health (Whakatikatika Oranga) in Opotiki, Bay of Plenty.
Bridgitt, the Naturopath and Medical Herbalist, speaks of why she wanted to create this Herbal Tincture Making Workshop
Mid-way through 2020, I was denied access to professional herbal tinctures to mix healing herbal remedies for my clients. I was Blessed when the Creator aligned me with an amazing Medical Herbalist who had the patience and integrity to share her wisdom and knowledge with me, teaching me how to create my own professional herbal tinctures.
I’ve created this workshop to pass on my knowledge to teach others how simple it can be to create a herbal tincture rongoā rākau.
To empower students (tauira) to take back the responsibility for their own health and wellbeing and in turn, offer healing to their whanau, family and friends.
I take my responsibility seriously, this is not a quick fix “here use this herb for that ailment”. There is so much more kawa (protocol) and magic entwined with herbal medicine (rongoā rākau).
It was a nice, warm and welcoming environment, I felt very much at home and comfortable. I found the course content was easy to understand and had a good balance of practical and theory. I learnt a lot. Delicious and nutritious food. Yum!
Course Content

Preparation of self and setting P.O.I. Purity of Intent before creating herbal tincture
Identifying correct Herbal Plants (rongoā rākau)
Sustainable harvesting
Best time to harvest
How to dry Herbal Plants (rongoā rākau)
How to store Herbal Plants (rongoā rākau)
Safety procedures
How to make a Herbal medicine tincture (rongoā rākau)
Every participant takes home their own personal Herbal medicine tincture (rongoā rākau)
Age related dosage from babies, children, adults and elderly
Tincture Safety, Cautions and Contra-indications
Further training in New Zealand with registered Schools