Bach Flower Remedy
Phone: 027 2843781
Gently rebalancing with Bach Flower Essences
Receiving your Bach Flower remedy

Each Bach Flower Essence is a correcting vibration for a state of mind or emotion that needs to be gently re-balanced.
Listen to Bridgitt McNabb, Naturopath, talk about how Bach Flower remedies are great for balancing your mental health/emotions.
Are Flower Essences safe?
We will need to meet up in person or via online Zoom or phone and have a brief 15 minute Consultation in order for me to ascertain the correct Flower Essences to meet your needs. Also available after your treatment.
Bach Flower Remedy cost is
Dr Edward Bach grouped these 38 flower essences into emotional states e.g. Fear,
Panic, Anxiety, Terror, Nightmares, Lack of confidence, overwhelmed etc.
Bach Flower Remedies can be taken by anyone, safely and without fear of side effects, interactions with medication, overdosing or addiction.

Do Flower Essences Work?
Yes, I believe Bach Flower Essences do indeed work holistically to rebalance. I constantly witness this subtle change in my clients whether it is a physical, emotional or career change.
Consistency is the key to efficacy. It will take up to three days to balance your mind vibrations and approximately seven days to cement this new thought pattern.
Star of Bethlehem flower essence