Your journey to wellness starts here
Naturopath, Nutritionist, Herbalist, Reflexology, Lymphatic Drainage & Ear Candling
Phone: 027-2843781
75 Landing Road, Whakatane, Bay of Plenty
40 Potts Avenue, Opotiki, Bay of Plenty
Bridgitt McNabb is a registered Professional Naturopath with NAMHNZ (Naturopaths and Medical Herbalists New Zealand). She is also a registered Professional Reflexologist with RNZ (Reflexology New Zealand)
All are welcome, adults and children treated here.
I provide natural health expertise in
Stress Relief
Fatigue - low energy
Mental Health - anxiety, depression
Herbal Medicine,
Hormonal (Endocrine) Imbalances e.g.
Reproductive - Endometriosis, PCOS, Pelvic Inflammatory, Oestrogen Dominance
Gut Health
Heavy Metal and Mould Detoxification
Lymphatic Drainage
Ear Candling
Spiritual Energetic Healing - in person, online or absent healing
Blood Test Results Interpretation
Testings available for:
Heavy Metals and Mineral deficiency (Hair analysis with BioTrace),
Mineral deficiency OATs test (FX Med)
Dutch Hormone Testing (FX Med)
Allergy Testing (FX Med)
Parasite Testings (FX Med)
Glyposate (Roundup) Testing (FX Med)
Zinc Tally testing (in clinic)
Blood pressure (in clinic)
Energetic Kinesiology
I believe Naturopathy and natural health is more than just taking vitamins, minerals, natural remedies and eating healthy food. To me, natural health is a holistic therapy of delving deeper to treat a person’s underlying cause of an illness, be it either physical, mental/emotional, Spiritual or all. It's about achieving balance in all areas of your life.
As a holistic healer, am here to help all folk gain balance, regardless of any choices they have made.
A warm welcome to you as you begin your natural health journey with myself, Bridgitt McNabb, Naturopath, Medical Herbalist, Nutritionist, Reflexologist and Lymphatic Drainage Specialist. I absolutely love having my clinics located in Opotiki and Whakatane, Eastern Bay of Plenty, New Zealand.

Reflexology for Balance, Relaxation and Stress

Bridgitt McNabb BA Natural Medicine
Naturopath, Medical Herbalist, Nutritionist, Reflexologist and Lymphatic Drainage Specialist
Maintaining Your Health (Whakatikatika Oranga)
Experience a sense of pride and achievement as you journey with me to accomplish your health and wellbeing goals using Naturopathy, Nutrition, Herbal medicine, Reflexology, Lymphatic Drainage.
Your Journey to Wellness starts here
Kei konei te timatanga o to whai oranga